Tema: coenzyme q10

All about tiredness, by Dr. José Alegre

Dr. José Alegre, a specialist in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and tiredness, who directs the CFS treatment unit at the Vall d’Hebrón Hospital in Barcelona, tells us about fatigue, its origin, the importance of rest, among many other things. Why do we get tired? Physiological fatigue is a symptom so that we understand that we have […]

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What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex disorder of unknown cause that seriously affects quality of life. It persists for more than six months, with an oscillating character and without apparent cause. It interferes with normal activities, causes extreme fatigue and does not decrease with rest, worsens with exercise and is associated with physical and neuropsychological manifestations. […]

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NADH, serine, CoQ10… How can these ingredients help you to be less stressed and anxious?

Stress and anxiety deplete the adrenal glands and stops the production of some neurotransmitters. Apart from this physiological consequence, stress and anxiety can negatively impact our well-being and our overall health, since they can unbalance different areas of our life. We spoke with Maria José Segundo, biologist, Vitae medical visitor and one of the creators […]

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Keeping your nervous system in good condition

We all know that getting enough rest is of vital importance to our health. It seems that we are all clear about this concept but few apply it, whether due to lack of time, perseverance or awareness. Be that as it may, sleeping the necessary hours and ensuring a repairing rest is the best method […]

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4 Ingredients for a more energetic you

Whether it’s business, family, the kids, or stresses from other tidbits in our daily life, we’re all living hectic lives. To keep on moving forward we need energy, and in this article we are talking about 4 ingredients for a more energetic you. The best ways to get it? Through a healthy diet and a […]

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