How to detoxify your body after Christmas or intense nights

How to detoxify your body after Christmas, summer or intense nights? Recently we talked about a super food called Chlorella, an algae with a high detoxifying power. Well, today we continue with other foods that can help us to detoxify after the Christmas holidays or at any other time it would be more. Night of […]

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Detox after Christmas? This ingredient will be your best all (and we are sure you did not expect it)

After the Christmas holidays we usually feel more bloated and heavy. This is to be expected, as during the festive season we consume copious meals rich in fats and sugar. All this can cause what we commonly call toxicity in the body; hence we are hearing the word, detox after Christmas,  everywhere. There are many […]

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Who is behind the scenes? Raimon Cortada

RAIMON CORTADA The boss. founder of Vitae, like all bosses is also a person and that is why he has not hesitated to star in Who is behind the scenes of December. Direct, clear and imposing while close and fun. The door of his office is always open. Passionate about life, nature and his work, […]

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Which is the favourite product of one of our graphic design girls?

Vitae has wonderful products, as we work here and are surrounded by them and all use them! That’s why we want to show you which is the favorite product of each and every one of the team. On this occasion we present Monica Castillo, one of our graphic design girls. Let’s see what she tells […]

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Why is Reishi so fashionable? The best kept secret of Oriental women.

We are in the middle of the cold season, so colds and flu are the order of the day. With the cold weather our immune system weakens, so it is important that we pay special attention during this period of the year. For a while now there is a lot of talk about super foods and […]

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Product of the month: ImmunoVita® and ImmunoVita® Kids

In this article, we are going to talk about the product of the month and one of our innovative formula por defences and immune sysrtem. A natural food supplemnet based on yeast betaglucans, vitamin D3 and B6 and zinc that keeps the immune system in good condition. Thanks to its composition it helps activate the […]

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