We know the immune system as what defends our body, therefore, it is very important that it is always in the best conditions and know what it needs so that it can provide us with the best. As a general rule, we will always find common factors, a good diet, sleeping well, good hydration… If […]
Vitamin D3: what it is, what it is for and how we can support our levels
Winter days are shorter, some dark and others rainy. Our bodies cannot absorb the same amount of UVB rays than during summer months and our vitamin D levels are directly affected. Also, people with darker skin and the elderly are less efficient at converting the sun’s rays into vitamin D3. In this article we tell […]
Relationship between recurrences and the immune system
We live in a world where we do everything fast, with little time to ourselves and that leads to us being more stressed, therefore, we have high levels of cortisol in our body, which affects our immune system and weakens it. Due to this, sometimes, infections that had already disappeared from our body can appear […]
Immune Debt: what is it and what is the possible solution?
Respiratory infections are experiencing a rebound compared to the pandemic years. There is a fear that respiratory viruses such as influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have returned with more force this year. According to a report published by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDE), the incidence of influenza in Europe has multiplied […]
Why can yeast beta-glucans help your immune system?
The immune system of our body is the army that protects us against any attack. Antibodies are the proteins that our body generates to protect us and keep our defences in good condition for a prolonged period of time. Finally, there is a more primitive but equally effective immune system, the so-called innate immune system. […]
Prevention is better than cure, with natural ingredients
One of the most important things when it comes to enjoying good health is prevention. Now that the cold has arrived, one of the things that worries the most is not to catch any flu or cold and that is why at Vitae we work with one of the most powerful ingredients to fight all kinds […]