Tema: Trends

5 key points of muscle pain

Musculoskeletal conditions are one of the main causes of disability in the world, they can occur at any time and difficult our day to day. There are two main groups of musculoskeletal pain, joint pain and muscle pain. In this article we will talk about the second one, the muscular one. We will go through the […]

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What is a cough? And how to stop it naturally

Cough is a defence mechanism of our body against external agents that obstruct our respiratory system, as explained by Eli Molné, one of the members of our technical department. This acts as an ally of our immune system, alleviating the respiratory tract of dust or other foreign particles and expelling them from the body by […]

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Prevent rather than cure, thanks to yeast beta-glucans

With temperature changes and the cold weather coming in, our defences may be weakened. Much has been said about ingredients that have the virtue of giving our immune system vigor and strength. One of these ingredients, yeast beta-glucans, is perhaps less known but has incredible power and efficiency when it comes to strengthening our defences. […]

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A healthy intestinal flora is our first line of defence

Is the digestive system related to our immune system? The answer is yes, since our bacterial flora is our first line of defence. In fact, everything in our body is related and must be consistent. Or what is the same, homeostasis, that natural tendency of our organism to maintain the balance of its biological processes. […]

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A good intestinal flora is one of the reasons why children get less sick.

Let’s start with what is really important, our intestinal flora, the first line of defence of our body. Taking into account that the digestive system of children is not complete until age 6, more reason to know as much as possible about maintaining a healthy intestinal flora (children probiotics). The intestinal flora is composed of microorganisms […]

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5 products to consider for a return to school without complications

Yes, it is possible to take care of children’s health naturally, preventing and treating if necessary. In Vitae we have a unique line exclusively dedicated to digestive, nutritional, immune, oral and cognitive health of children. Here we explain how you can improve the care of each of these areas and, thus, avoid future problems (especially […]

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