Tema: digestión

Relationship between circadian rhythms and digestion

In the summer season and with the arrival of good weather, we began to change our routine quite a bit. We usually eat away from home, copious meals and at different times than usual, we go to sleep later, etc. All this set of changes implies that circadian rhythms are affected, therefore, they can influence […]

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What are circadian rhythms and how to respect them?

What are circadian rhythms? As you well know, twice a year there is a time change, summer and winter, which means that we have more or less hours of sunshine during the day. Let’s start at the beginning, who created the time change? Benjamin Franklin, American scientist, politician and inventor, was the one who first […]

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What does poor digestion have to do with the immune system?

For some time now, the immune system has become one of the most popular topics. What is the immune system, how to strengthen it, what kind of diet should we follow to keep our defenses strong and active, are just some of the questions raised by everybody. There is a clear and direct relationship between […]

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Have you tried everything and still need help to go to the toilet?

The current pace of life is very demanding and causes us to constantly accelerate, causing our mind and body to maintain different rhythms. On the other hand, stress and diet are also factors that make our body increasingly lag behind, causing difficulties and pathologies such as constipation. What is constipation? Surely, at some point in our […]

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Why should we include digestive enzymes in your first aid kit?

Flatulence? Bloating? Heaviness after eating? Does it sound familiar to you? Christmas is around the corner and with it countless meals that may cause you digestive discomfort. We invite you to discover the wonderful world of digestive enzymes and their power to improve digestions. It is important to mention that whenever the problem is chronic […]

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What do our stool say about our health?

We live in a fast world, with lot of stress, work, noise…. Unfortunately, this has distanced us from our human condition and has increasingly disconnected us from our essence. As we always say, far from being a positive thing, this increasingly growing trend has distanced us from ourselves and we are less and less aware […]

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