For some time now, a lot has been said about the properties of omegas in different areas of our body: brain, heart, skin, etc. We have spoken with Arnau Vilas, member of the technical department of Vitae, researcher of agri-food technology, PhD in food science and specialist in sea buckthorn about the importance of omegas and how to introduce […]
8 reflections on fatty acids by Dr. Rutllant
As we have said on some occasions, fatty acids are very important to keep our body in good condition. We talked with Dr. Helena Rutllant about those basic things we should know concerning fatty acids. What are fatty acids and what benefits do they have for our body? We could say that they are an […]
Five essential questions about fatty acids (cognitive development)
We have heard a lot about fatty acids. They play a super important role in cognitive development since the brain is the organ with more fat, therefore, it must be fed. Arnau Vilas, Vitae technician and researcher of agri-food technology, answers five elementary questions to understand in depth what fatty acids are and how they can […]
List of good nutrients for the digestive system
The digestive system plays an all important role for the human organism, which is like preparing food for absorption, so it can be used by all the cells of our organism. This is why, and for many more reasons, it is vital to maintain good intestinal health. It is important to remember that all physical […]
The importance of having an anti-inflammatory diet
Logic tells us that an inflammation is visible and easy to detect, but what must be taken into account is that there are two types of inflammation, the one that is seen and the one that cannot be seen. The second is the one that, in a discreet and silent way, causes premature aging, not […]
Perfect Baked Salmon
In this article we are going to talk about what you need and how to cook Perfect Baked Salmon. A healthy meal with a great source of omega 3, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant properties. Nutritional highlights of Perfect Baked Salmon Salmon provides important amounts of the antioxidant amino acid taurine. Salmon is an excellent source of […]