Tema: fatigue

How to sleep through the night?

Sleeping between seven and eight hours is essential if we want to feel energized the day after, but it is also important that these hours are of quality, otherwise, we will wake up tired and with the feeling of not having rested enough. Many people find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the […]

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What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex disorder of unknown cause that seriously affects quality of life. It persists for more than six months, with an oscillating character and without apparent cause. It interferes with normal activities, causes extreme fatigue and does not decrease with rest, worsens with exercise and is associated with physical and neuropsychological manifestations. […]

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What is magnesium good for?

Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in muscle contraction and relaxation, helps in the transmission of nerve impulses and participates in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Increasingly, its deficiency is more frequent, causing a tendency to contractures, cramps and other muscle discomfort, as well as fatigue, irritability, insomnia and increased risk of […]

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NADH, serine, CoQ10… How can these ingredients help you to be less stressed and anxious?

Stress and anxiety deplete the adrenal glands and stops the production of some neurotransmitters. Apart from this physiological consequence, stress and anxiety can negatively impact our well-being and our overall health, since they can unbalance different areas of our life. We spoke with Maria José Segundo, biologist, Vitae medical visitor and one of the creators […]

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The foolproof formula to improve focus, concentration and energy

We live in a hyper-stimulated society in which speed is the common denominator and some words, such as stress, have become normalized to such an extent that we even find that they give us a certain glamor. However, our body and nature remain the same, so it is impossible for us to act like machines […]

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How to stop feeling tired

Do you wake up tired? Do you feel crushed and without energy? Do you have trouble getting to the end of the day? It is possible that you are suffering from spring asthenia. It is common for our body to react to seasonal changes and temperature, making us feel more tired than usual and with […]

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