Urine infection and sexual relations. How are they related?

Urinary infections are very common, especially in women, they can be quite annoying and painful. Having a good habit of intimate hygiene will be essential when trying to prevent and treat this type of infection. You will also have to be aware of some behaviors, such as sexual relations, that can lead to the presence […]

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Vaginal flora: What it is and how to keep it in good condition

Surely at some point in your life you have noticed changes in your vaginal flora, which have led to suffering from a vaginal infection. And the thing is, 75% of women suffer from an infection at least once in their lives, and gynecologists point out that the use of antibiotics or dangerous vaginal soaps is […]

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Vaginitis: what it is, symptoms and treatment

The good condition of a woman’s intimate area is achieved through specific care, since it is very sensitive, and with the slightest change, the pH of the flora is altered and this leads to increased risk of an infection or other pathologies. In the following article we will talk about one of the infections that […]

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Relationship between the microbiota and the immune system

In recent decades, scientific research has deepened our understanding of how the microbiota and immune system work in harmony to keep us protected against invading pathogens and regulate immune responses. This fascinating link between the microbiota and the immune system not only reveals the secrets of our health, but also redefines the way we understand […]

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Types of immunity: innate, adaptive , acquired, passive

Immunity, a complex and highly coordinated system, is essential to protect us from viruses, bacteria and other intruders that could compromise our health. This article, written by Luisa Varela , technical director of Vitae, gives a deep introduction into the fascinating world of immunology , exploring the different types of immunity that the body deploys […]

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Is it possible to strengthen our immune system naturally?

We know the immune system as what defends our body, therefore, it is very important that it is always in the best conditions and know what it needs so that it can provide us with the best. As a general rule, we will always find common factors, a good diet, sleeping well, good hydration… If […]

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