To achieve the physical and mental well-being that we all desire, it is essential to maintain a balanced and healthy diet that provides us with the optimal energy level to be able to cope with the daily activities that we carry out in our day to day. And, once we have it, enrich it with […]
5 Herbs to balance your hormones
Nowadays, a high percentage of women may experience hormonal imbalances, from PMS to menopause associated symptoms. In recent years, people have started to talk more rigorously about this topic: period pain, symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome, etc. Now we know that the period should not hurt and that if it does it is very possible […]
Everything you need to know about energy nutrition
Dr. María Pérez, a doctor in holistic, natural and biological medicine, is a specialist, among many other things, in energy nutrition and a professor of natural cooking. As she says, she teaches to use food according to the nature of each person, imbalances or pathologies or simply with the aim of maintaining our health and […]
Am I under stress or anxiety? How can I definitively end it?
Stress and anxiety is the “evil” of our century. We live immersed in the midst of chaos and a super changing world that does not allow us to think about or connect with ourselves. This world that demands almost inhuman speed from us and that has made us forget the irrefutable fact that we are […]
The psychologist Toni Mateo gives us the keys to understand anxiety
For some time now, there has been an increase in the use of the word “anxiety”, but what exactly is anxiety? How can we know if we suffer from anxiety? Does a specific anxiety attack make us anxious? All these questions and more are answered by the psychologist Toni Mateo, trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy and […]
The magnificent eight to help end joint pain
Joint pain is a problem that concerns a very important part of the population and can be caused for different reasons. In many occasions, we do not know how to differentiate between joint -, muscle- or bone aches and pain, what is important is to consult a specialist. There are well-known and effective ingredients to […]