Sometimes we forget to take care of our urinary health, but when something goes wrong, it can be very annoying. A typical urinary issue is cystitis, a urinary tract infection and inflammation of the bladder. It is the result of a bladder infection and is more common in women than in men. As a general rule, it disappears […]
Polyphenols and its antiaging effect
Arnau Vilas, member of VITAE technical department , agri – food technology researcher , PhD in food science and specialist in sea buckthorntalks about the antioxidant properties of polyphenols and how increasing their consumption can help us enjoy a beautiful and healthy skin . What exactly are polyphenols? They are molecules secreted by plants under stress conditions and, therefore, can be found in nature. Plants do […]
Rosemary and grapefruit polyphenols, high antioxidant action
As we have already explained in previous articles, antioxidants are one of the key pieces when comes to fight free radicals generated by the body itself, toxins, stress, insomnia, among many other things. Among antioxidants we find polyphenols, molecules with a high antioxidant power. Not all polyphenols are the same and that is why today we […]
Do you end up exhausted? Interested in finding out how to help muscle recovery?
When we do any physical exercise our bodies and especially our muscles need to regain strength and energy. If exercise has been intense it will surely produce protein destruction, depletion of our energy sources and acidification of the cellular environment, making us feel tired, fatigued, swollen and sore. The muscle recovery is one of the most […]