Tema: constipation

How to solve severe constipation

The current pace of life is very demanding and causes us to constantly accelerate, causing our mind and body to maintain different rhythms. For their part, stress and diet are also factors that increasingly cause our body to become more out of phase, causing difficulties and pathologies such as, for example, severe constipation. What is […]

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Laxative vs natural intestinal regulator

Many people, especially women, have problems with constipation or decomposition, which can become more acute in certain seasons of the year, mainly in summer, and in stages where copious and indigestible meals abound. Given this scenario, two solutions are proposed, broadly speaking: the use of laxatives or the so-called natural regulators of intestinal transit or, […]

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Have you tried everything and still need help to go to the toilet?

The current pace of life is very demanding and causes us to constantly accelerate, causing our mind and body to maintain different rhythms. On the other hand, stress and diet are also factors that make our body increasingly lag behind, causing difficulties and pathologies such as constipation. What is constipation? Surely, at some point in our […]

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Irregular bowel movement during the holidays. We have the solution

When you travel, do you suffer changes in your intestinal transit? It is super normal that traveling effect us more to go to the bathroom or we can suffer episodes of diarrhea or, on the contrary, of constipation. This is due to many factors, from psychological (we are not accustomed to the environment) to the […]

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