Tema: calm

Anxiety: How to take advantage of it and learn to live the moment?

Nowadays, many factors in our environment such as work, family, personal circumstances and uncertainty can generate tension and discomfort. Stress appears when the demands of our environment require a response from our part, and these demands are excessive in relation to the tools we have to manage stress. Then is when we develop adaptive reactions, which […]

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Am I under stress or anxiety? How can I definitively end it?

Stress and anxiety is the “evil” of our century. We live immersed in the midst of chaos and a super changing world that does not allow us to think about or connect with ourselves. This world that demands almost inhuman speed from us and that has made us forget the irrefutable fact that we are […]

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Open your windows and let in the power of natural light.

We all, at some point, have entered a house or  a dark and dreary place, and immediately felt that something is missing, if you spend much time there, it can change our energy and feels depressed, if at any time you felt so, it possibly demonstrated the lack of natural light. Here we tell you […]

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