Tema: mental fatigue

Mental fatigue: causes, symptoms and treatment

Mental fatigue is an increasingly common problem in our modern society. The fast pace of life, work pressure, and personal concerns can leave many people feeling drained and drained of energy. If you often find yourself exclaiming ‘ I’m tired of everything ‘, it’s because you may be suffering from mental fatigue. In this article, […]

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What is burnout syndrome?

From Vitae Health Innovation, we want to help you with the start of the year! As health artisans, our purpose this year is to continue offering solutions to your daily problems. After going back to routine, stress and mental fatigue can appear. Therefore,  we are going to talk about the term burnout in this article […]

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The foolproof formula to improve focus, concentration and energy

We live in a hyper-stimulated society in which speed is the common denominator and some words, such as stress, have become normalized to such an extent that we even find that they give us a certain glamor. However, our body and nature remain the same, so it is impossible for us to act like machines […]

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Professional opinion about ReConnect by Natalia Otero Sancho

Natalia Otero Sancho,  The Chelsea Nutritionist  London: “As a nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner, I am always searching for products that can sharpen focus and concentration, as many of my clients are executives that need a solution to get them through stressful days. Some of them are borderline sufferers of chronic fatigue and it is difficult […]

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