Tema: magnesium

A complete x-ray about contractures and how to stop them

Neck pain or contractures are the order of the day. They are part of this type of new “epidemics” that have arisen as a result of the lifestyle we lead. Hours and hours sitting at the computer, bad postures, stress, lack of sleep … and a long etcetera. The good news is that there is […]

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Why consuming cocoa can change your life

Cocoa has been one of the most stigmatized foods in society in recent decades, which directly relates to calories, sugar and poor health in general. Nothing is further from reality. One thing is milk chocolate, white and other varieties and another very different thing is pure cocoa, whether in powder, seeds, butter, etc. The problem […]

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Do not stay glued to the chair! Watch your health and take breaks for muscle fatigue

If you are someone who spends a lot of time sitting because of the work you do, you have to know the consequences that this can bring to your health, from muscle fatigue and related to blood circulation to severe complications such as diseases: heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, slow metabolism and obesity. Specialists recommend performing […]

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