Magnesium is a mineral that has gained popularity thanks to its efficacy when it comes to treating muscle aches and pains. So, we are going to clarify the importance of magnesium in our health It is one of the most abundant minerals in plants and animals and plays an essential role in a large number […]
Tema: muscular pain
A complete x-ray about contractures and how to stop them
Neck pain or contractures are the order of the day. They are part of this type of new “epidemics” that have arisen as a result of the lifestyle we lead. Hours and hours sitting at the computer, bad postures, stress, lack of sleep … and a long etcetera. The good news is that there is […]
Joints under control thanks to the tricks of one of our girls from the export department
As part of the company, who better than us to explain in great detail the virtues of our products? As I have said several times in Vitae we are a few geeks of food supplements and a healthy lifestyle and we try all the products. Each one of us has his list of favourites and […]