My relationship with insomnia has had quite a few curves. Until adolescence I had no problems falling asleep, I slept without problems and even had a hard time getting up. Then I introduced a habit that, we could say, is a small pleasure that I have: the radio. I found out how much I liked […]
Am I under stress or anxiety? How can I definitively end it?
Stress and anxiety is the “evil” of our century. We live immersed in the midst of chaos and a super changing world that does not allow us to think about or connect with ourselves. This world that demands almost inhuman speed from us and that has made us forget the irrefutable fact that we are […]
Sleep restoring the organism
In this article we are going to talk about sleep disorders and the way to sleep restoring the organism What is insomnia According to the Spanish society of sleep (SES), sleep disorders affect about a third of the population of this country, greatly reducing the quality of life of those who suffer it. According to the […]
How to know if you suffer from insomnia? And the reasons why you should correct it immediately
Sleep is a cyclic, complex and a vital active process interacting with different hormonal and nervous systems of the organism. The well-known sleep-wake cycle is a circadian cycle (approximate duration of 24 hours) regulated by the biological clock. How to know if you suffer from insomnia? In tis article, we are going to show you […]
Everything you ever wanted to know about the sleep-wake cycle
One of the desorders of insomnia is the sleep-wake cycle. We are all aware that we live stressed lives, at a frenetic pace and that is exactly why it is of vital importance to find time for ourselves and, above all, to rest. Personally I’m a faithful defender of the taking care of yourself and […]