women and menopause

Forum for women and menopause Andalucía 2018

Another year, Vitae participated in one of the most important events in Spain for women and menopause: “Ella y su Abanico” translates as “She and her fan”. In this meeting hundreds of women share their concerns, needs and experiences, generating a unique environment full of magic.

“Ella y su Abanico” was born in 2010 by Montse Roura, with the aim to contribute and make the way to one of the longest stages in the life of women easier: menopause a stage still unknown today and full of taboos, doubts and stereotypes.

On this occasion, these forums were held in Andalusia, first in Malaga on October 26 and finally in Seville on November 9 and 10. As usual, Ella y su Abanico had an exceptional program full of great professionals who gave quality talks from which discussions and participation by the attendees was generated.

Dr. Helena Rutllant attended on behalf of Vitae, as participant and also as keynote speaker, giving a talk on “How to reduce the symptoms of menopause through food.” Dr. Rutllant is responsible for the oncology line of Vitae, as well as a specialist in nutrition at the Corachán Clinic in Barcelona.

The Forum Ella y su Abanico, Andalucía 2018 has been an incredible experience in which, personally, we learned a lot and left with a feeling of absolute happiness.

Until next year!

Forum for women and menopause Andalucía 2018

women and menopause Vitae team


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