Vitae at the British Society for Ecological Medicine, BSEM in London.

Vitae at the British Society for Ecological Medicine in London

On November 16th 2018 we had the great pleasure to exhibit at the British Society for Ecological Medicine, BSEM in London.

Ecological Medicine (Known as Functional Medicine in the US) offers an approach to diagnosis, prevention and to non-toxic treatment that is relevant to all medical practice, and has proved particularly useful in patients with many very common chronic conditions that have not responded to conventional treatments. The BSEM has existed as a professional body since 1983 and has made a major contribution to the integration of ecological principles into mainstream medicine in the UK. BSEM continues to promote education, research & collaboration.

Vitae at the British Society for Ecological Medicine, BSEM in London.
Vitae at the British Society for Ecological Medicine, BSEM in London.


Vitae Health Innovation is a  laboratory of natural food supplements since 1995. We have the philosophy of achieving the physical and mental well-being of people. The basis of our work begins with the utmost respect for nature while offering effective and top quality products that help to self-regulate, strengthen and reinforce the body’s balance in the most natural and physiological way possible. Vitae Health Innovation has a strong commitment to the planet and, in accordance with our bets, values ​​for health, transparency and sustainability, trying to generate a positive impact. For this reason, we work on the design of healthy and environmentally friendly products and try to transfer these principles to all actions, from the smallest and most imperceptible to the largest and most notorious. The local and proximity production of the products, the use of sustainable packaging, the Clean Label on many of the products… are a clear example of this commitment.

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