vitae works

Did you know Vitae works on international level?

Vitae works both national and inetrnational. Our international team is formed by two ‘’beasts’’ (allow me the adjective), Joana Cortada and Hulya Gray, who are in charge of expanding the brand all over the world. They define Vitae as a company with a premium product + a premium personal relationship.

What are your functions and mission as an international team?

In Spain the brand has a strong position; we are working for expanding the brand around different global markets. We have six countries in active sale, UK, Holland, Czech Republic, Kosovo and Greece, three countries which are in the registration process, Iran, Emirates and Guatemala. And finally, in discussion with five more.

What are you based on to enter one market or another?

We analyse the consumption trends and after that, we value if it’s possible or not to get in to that market. If it has potential and accessibility we go for it.  It’s important to keep in mind some important things, like regulation. For example, in the Emirates, we can’t introduce our product named CalmTu as one of the principal ingredients is banned, so the possibilities are less. There are a lot of things we need to take into account.

The export department is like many departments in one.

How do you find distributors?

There are many ways to find distributors, but for us the most important ones are the fairs. Fairs are a potential place to connect with people and transmit the brand values face to face. There are also people who are looking for a specific product and after accurate investigation they come to us. If they like the brand and it fits with their values there is a great possibility they end up buying our products.

Finally our commercial missions, which are like going on an adventure, with the goal to learn about a country and its market and meeting various possible partners. In Barcelona are some agencies for example like la Cambra or Acció which work the international side of business for Spanish companies. With their headquarters in Spain and other commercial offices around the world. When they organize the mission, we work closely together with their commercial office for about two months working hard preparing the visit and meetings. They do all the initial part (contact, investigation, etc.). Then we go to the market for a week and meet with potential clients.

Usually we combine countries; it’s very intense, working hard. The meetings are an initial contact with potential clients; with the objective to get to know each other and to see it if there is a match. It´s an introductory meeting, explaining our products, the opportunity, finding out a cooperation can take place with the company etc. The important thing is they are interested in our brand before the meeting.

What does a regular day look like for you?

It depends on the period of the year. Each day is very different as in one day you can work on five countries with very different requirements. We could say it is very dynamic.

Who is your ideal client?

There are two things we are looking for: professionalism and attitude.  Our success formula is related to the fact that we know exactly what we are looking for, so, we know what we expect from our partner.

Personally we feel it has to be a company who believes in what they buy and who ready to fight for a brand with premium products like Vitae (it’s not always easy), but above all believing in the products.

What is the added value of Vitae for you? What makes Vitae special?

The added value we contribute is although we are Vitae, when we work with a client we think like one of their team, this way we offer all the help and capacity.

For us export has two pillars, one is the product, which is the principle, and the other one is the added value. We want to be a strategic partner which is not the same as to be just a partner. A strategic partner has a high level of added value. Vitae are producers and distributors so we are able to put ourselves in the shoes of our clients and know how best to accompany them and guide them, launching a new product in their market.

We don’t just offer a product as a distributor but also offer a service. Our philosophy is to offer a human and differential touch.

Vitae from the point of the view of the export team

Vitae has the philosophy of being a company that not only represents a product, it has human value. The message is integrated. We believe in the product.

The energy we put into our actions is transmitted, and at the same time, we attract people who are on the same wavelength. We believe that this is what makes Vitae stand out as a premium brand.

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