medical visitors

Who is behind the scenes? Irene de Ruz

Irene de Ruz, one of our medical visitors from Madrid. Passionate about music and books, impossible to compete with. She has and amazing quality in her sweet radio voice,  transmitting calmness through every pore of her skin. Efficient, hardworking and dedicated to others. A jewel for Vitae (and the world).

Favourite color

My favorite color is usually within the range of green and turquoise, but if you look at my closet, half of it is black. But what I really think of is the tonality, more than the color itself, for example when the choral was in fashion I loved it.

Your music and song

It’s impossible for me to choose a single song or group. I think that music is essential and I couldn’t live without it (except with Reggaeton or Electrolatino). Every day, without exception, I listen to music; it is food for the soul. Besides, with all the new technologies I’m delighted! Before we had to wait for the song that we liked on the radio to come out, but nowadays you can create your own lists and enjoy your music wherever you like.

I don’t want to “go on en on” because once I start talking about music there’s no stopping me, but in general, the bands I like the most are Depeche Mode, The Cure, Annie Lennox, Muse… I love the 80’s!

What I enjoy the most is going to listen to live music, I think there’s magic in the live events. I always discover new groups, such as Flamingo Bites or a soul singer named Morgan, who sings like an angel.

As for songs, I’ll tell you two, Slave to Love, by Bryan Ferry and Paseo con la negra flor, by Radio Futura (I’ll never get tired of listening to it).

What do you do when you wake up

Well, I think it’s the same thing everybody does. First go to the toilet and then I’ll go “crazy” for the coffee. Without it I’m nothing! I like to get up before anyone else and enjoy silence and solitude. That’s my moment.

What do you do before going to sleep

Me and my book (although I usually read with the tablet). Right now I am reading Fernando Aramburu’s Homeland, although I am not convinced. I don’t always finish the books, I used to, but not now. Two of my favorite books are Tell me who I am, by Julia Navarro and The name of the wind, by Patrick Rothfuss.

What do you do to relax

Well, everything revolves around music and books. Although I must also confess that I enjoy the countryside very much, specifically the town where I am from, Cebreros (the same as Adolfo Suárez!). I like to go in autumn to look for mushrooms, and enjoy the beautiful landscape, and in May to look for asparagus. Oh and since we don’t have a beach in Madrid, I’m going to the lake which is magnificent and I enjoy it very much.

What is your passion 

I am passionate about everything I have been talking about during the interview (music, books, nature, mushrooms etc.) and, above all, MY CHILDREN who are my source of energy and joy of life.

What does looking after yourself mean to you

The truth is that I take little care of myself because I have always been very attentive to others, but, for me, taking care of myself means having time for yourself. Spending time doing what you like and have your own space, where only I, my music and my books are.

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