Vitanadh® Double Express

High antioxidant power thanks to its NADH content

Vitanadh® is a supplement based on NADH (Co-E1), which provides natural energy to the body.



10 tablets (20 mg). Sublingual absorption

$22,50 IVA

Energy and vitality

How am I formulated?

  • NADH : powerful antioxidant that helps provide rapid energy to the entire body. It is a reducing agent that donates electrons to other molecules, forming NAD +, which can then also be reused as an agent that accepts electrons from other molecules.

Take 1 tablet, one hour before the start of the activity, preferably on an empty stomach.

Place the tablet under the tongue until it is completely dissolved.

What effects does NADH have on the body?

Its main function is the exchange of electrons and hydrogen ions in the production of energy in the mitochondria of all cells. Therefore, it is an antioxidant based on NADH (Co-E1) that helps increase vitality and energy.

In what cases or situations is it recommended to take NADH?

NADH (coenzyme I) is a derivative of Vitamin B3. It is necessary so that our cells can generate energy from the nutrients that we provide them, therefore, by increasing the amount of NADH, the cell becomes much more efficient in terms of energy production. Provides energy in situations of high energy demand and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.

When do you start to notice the effects?

The effects begin to be noticed from the first doses. For a prolonged effect it is recommended to consume the product for 10-30 days.

If you take anxiolytics or barbiturates, check with your healthcare professional before starting supplementation.

Contraindicated in pregnant women, infants and children under 12 years of age.

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