The 3rd and 4th of November 2018 Vitae attended the FMC (Functional Medicine Conference) in Galway Ireland.
The Lifestyle and Functional Medicine Conference is unlike any other conference of its kind in Ireland. FMC welcomes clinicians, nutritional professionals, healthcare practitioners and members of the public to gather together and learn from experts in the field.
Doctors focus on recognising the underlying cause for a condition and work on remedying it. The theme for this years event was The Lifestyle and Functional Medicine Approach to Autoimmunity and Brain Function, with international world class speakers giving lectures on these areas.
More people than ever are struggling with autoimmunity and poor brain function, yet most go years or decades not understanding what is causing their mysterious and debilitating symptoms. We can all play a role in bringing the research and understandings of autoimmunity into our clinical practice to help people in our communities.
We live in a hyperstimulated society in which speed is the common denominator and some concepts, for example, stress, have been normalized to such an extent that it even seems to us that they endow us with a certain glamour . However, our body and nature remain the same, so it is impossible for us to act like machines and not feel tired or suffer from lack of concentration and energy. There are many things that influence concentration, energy and mental performance, such as diet, sleep hygiene, our emotional health and life habits in general. By regulating all these things, we can significantly improve our energy and thus increase our concentration and performance. In addition, there are a number of ingredients that can also help with this.